Research Project

Research - After Effects Tutorial - Introduction 

After Effects Tutorial Video


In my personal opinion, there were some things in this tutorial that I found useful and other things that I did not. For instance, most of the introduction to the programme at the beginning of the video were pretty basic and simple and I knew most of the things that were shown and how to do them. There were some other things that he covered that I did not know about which I might find handy for future projects.

The tutorial in itself was pretty well laid out, it covered most of the basics of the programme for an introduction tutorial, and gave good advice for some of the components in the programme. But I think it could have given me more information about certain areas in the programme for my level of knowledge and understanding. The tutorial could have been a bit more advanced. 

Another reason I like this tutorial is actually because of its simplicity. As said above, the layout of it was basic and understandable and anyone can learn from it easily. 

After Effects Tutorial Video 2


I found this video tutorial a lot more useful than the previous one for numerous reasons. One thing, obviously, is that it's longer and gives more description in the individual subjects that it covers in the tutorial, which I find useful and which I can understand better from other tutorials. There were other videos on the internet that were even longer than this one, or ones that stretch into multiple parts. But I don't like those videos, as they are too long and give too much information which I then struggle to follow with. So I find this video is perfect for my level of comprehension and understanding from which I can learn something and implement into my own project.

As said above, it also describes the individual areas of the programme in more detail. Which are handy and which allow me to fully grasp and use that area to its best ability in my own project, and the multiple different ways at which I can use that area of work. 

Another great feature about this tutorial is that it covers and presents a lot more techniques and equipment in it that the previous tutorial didn't have the time to cover over. As well as the basic techniques that were covered in the previous video. Granted there were still a lot of other areas of the programme that still could have been covered, but like said above, if the tutorial is too long and covers a lot of different techniques in the programme, I find it hard to follow. This tutorial seemed to give just enough useful information and didn't drag it out too far for me to comprehend and be able to use in future projects. 

Research - After Effects Tutorial - Specific Aspect 

Fire After Effects Tutorial - YouTube

The tutorial I wanted to choose for after effects is on fire effects and how to do them. More specifically, how to implement fire effects into some footage and make it trace the content in the footage (e.g. making a character hold fire in their hands). I really like fire as an effect in any video or film, and I figured it is a simple and strait forward after effect that I would enjoy making and would be capable of reconstructing. 

My first choice of a research tool was of course YouTube as it provided a tone of simple, and resourceful tutorials which I can access easily, and they present their information clearly and simply which I find handy for my level of comprehension. I especially chose this tutorial out from all the other tutorials for numerous reasons: one being that it gave a lot of useful information and techniques on the program when making the fire effect. And it gave clear instruction on how to use those tool and techniques. The video itself was just the right length for me to comprehend and understand. I didn't loose my concentration or my interest when watching.

Also the video and the way it was presented and its content, compared to the other tutorials on YouTube, was organised and constructed really well. The quality of it was great. I was able to understand what the narrator was talking about, more so than the other tutorials. And the steps of the procedure to make the fire effect was also clear and understandable. 

Its for all of these reasons that I found this tutorial the best out of the others on the internet. And that I think is the best for me to remake the effect on After Effects. 

All After Effects Tutorials - Adobe Creative Cloud

Adobe Creative Cloud - Discover

There is also another website on the internet that gives a lot of great tutorials on what to do on Adobe After Effects, they give all kinds of tips for everything on the programme, which is useful if I want to know about everything that is possible to do on After Effects.

This website is my second choice of research tools as it separates all of the techniques on After Effects into multiple different videos so it makes it easier for me to search for the particular technique on the programme that I want to familiarise myself with, especially VFX and special effects. 

All the videos content and the way that they were presented and the instructions that they gave were all clear and precise and short, all of which made the videos understandable for me and I could comprehend it. 

This website and its video tutorials are good in multiple aspects, but compared to the YouTube tutorial, the videos on this website for special effects, which is the thing I'm most invested in, they don't give as much information on that area and how to work with it, they only gives small bits and pieces which I don't find as useful as the video on YouTube.


I think, comparing the two different research tools, for obvious reasons, YouTube was the easiest one to work with for me, everybody knows how to use it and it produces a wide verity of different tutorials for me to spend my time choosing the one I find the best. Adobe C Cloud is also easy to use and also has a wide selection of different tutorials, but not as wide as YouTube, and thats the main thing, I can get much more information from the YouTube than from Adobe C Cloud, even though both the research tools use similar research methods. 

Student Feedback


From the feed back I got from another student, as shown above, there doesn't seem to be much that needs to change in my research on my blog, no major alterations to my research. 

One of the main things the feedback says might need to change is the certain layout of my research on my blog. I could next time add more pictures and images next to my text, so the viewer has a better understanding of what's being described on my blog, and I agree with this analysis, the layout should be a bit more creative. 

After Effect Fire Effect Creation

For this after effects practical, I wanted to create a fire effect as I thought that it was basic and that the outcome would be cool to look at. So I used the tutorial i had chosen for my research to recreate the effect. 
The process from the tutorial was simple enough to go through on the after effects program and I didn't have to research into any other tips on the internet. Except for one procedure at the end of the effects process where I had to render and export the project, I had a bit of trouble rendering the project into a watchable video. So I tried researching into possible ways to get it to work. I looked up more videos on YouTube, like the one below, but nothing worked out. So eventually, I had to resort to taking a video grab of the video on the program using the built in screen recording on my Mac, by pressing SHIFT + COMMAND and 3, which I knew how to do.

How to Render Video Clip                                 

Manual Screen Recording 

How To Guide

For the whole of this task, as said above, the practical task went pretty well in my opinion. The tutorial was clear to me and I managed to followed all the steps through the tutorial without having to look at other tutorials on the internet. The only problem I had had in the practical was the last step, rendering the video clip, and that stage was a bit difficult for me and I did have to look at other tutorials, but even they didn't help. But that was the only trouble I had in this entire project. 

Making the How To Guide was also simple enough to go through with. Using the screen shots I had taken during the procedure of the practical task, it made it easier to remember the different steps of the tutorial for the practical and write them down. There were some times when I had to look back at the original tutorial on YouTube to remember the certain step, and even look back on the program itself. Overall, it took quite a while to write down and fiddle with the images and links, but I think the outcome was goo enough.

Primary & Secondary Research

The difference between primary and secondary research, is that primary research requires more time to conduct than secondary research, it requires more attention to original and raw information on the internet conducted by the viewer, information that hasn't been altered by another viewer. As opposed to secondary research, which, as its name suggests, is research  conducted from ready composed and compiled information made by other viewers on the internet.


I believe that practically all of my research is compiled as secondary research. All of my research comes from videos on YouTube and on the internet, which are all tutorials on how to operate the after effects program and create an effect. So technically I didn't do any primary research by looking on the internet for separate guides and tips on the certain subject.
